Crown HP/ Coated abrasive products

Nagatsuka Abrasive Mfg. Co., Ltd./ Crown Brand Coated Abrasives and Brush Rolls
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Please contact us for asking the type (sheet, roll, belt), size, abrasive grit, grit number, price and application of our products.

List of coated abrasive products

Item Type Abrasive grit Substrate Adhesive Feature
A sheet S A Cloth, @Plain fabric, Jwt G The general grind cloth sheet used for the wide application such as metals, woods, plastics.
Regular size: 230‚w280‚‚
G sheet K2 S G Paper,
Cwt & Awt
G The general grinding paper sheet for wood working etc...
Popular use is a wood file and glass paper.
Regular size: 230‚w280‚‚
G sheet M S G Paper flexible, Awt G Thin and strong substrate is used. Grinding paper for wood working, which the flexibility is required.
Regular size:@190‚w280‚‚
Z-ZRHN B Z PL65Cotton35,@Xwt R Dry grinding product for difficult grinding material such as stainless steel, titanium and a golf head.
Z-ZRHUZ R, B Z PL65Cotton35,
R Zirconia type product with a top-coated activator. ZRHUZ is effective for the difficult grinding material, especially, stainless steels.
Z-ZRHU B, WB Z PL65Cotton35,@Xwt R It's specialized for grinding the stainless steels and high nickel materials. Especially, a wide belt (<1650mm width) of ZRHU is often used for removing scratches on coiled metal sheet at the coil-grinding line for as wet-grinding(in oil).
Z-ZRHE WB Z PL65Cotton35,
R Wide belt (<1650mm width) products for coil grinding of stainless steels.
Z-ZRY91 B, WB Z PL65Cotton35,@Ywt R ZRY91 is developed for heavy grinding by using zirconia abrasive grain and the strongest backing substrate. It is suitable for removing the weld bead and for making a flap wheel.
A-AGJ R A Cotton, Jwt G Roll type products which using a glue as the adhesive.
AGJ is often called A-roll.
A-ERH R,B A Cotton, Xwt R Standard resin-bonded grinding cloth product using alumina grits; widely used as original roll for flap wheels.
A-ERHE R,B, WB A PL65Cotton35,
R ERHE is widely used for grinding and polishing metals such as a carbon steel, stainless steel and nonferrous metals by belt grinding.
Wide belt of ERHE is often used in coil grinding for stainless steels.
A-ERHF R,B A Cotton, Xwt R ‚d‚q‚gF uses a smooth substrate compared with ERHE for finish polishing. ERHF is often processed for flap wheels.
A-ERHK R A Cotton, Xwt R ERHK is softer than ERHE. For flap wheels.
A-ERHN B A Cotton, Xwt R ERHN is soft and contained an activator for improving the grinding performance in dry grinding. It is often used by a sponge sander, which using sponge for contact wheel of belt grinder.
A-ERHT B A PL65Cotton35,
R An activator is top coated. ERHT is suitable for difficult grinding materials such as stainless steel.
A-ERHX R,B A Cloth Xwt R ERHX is often used for making flap wheels and flap disk (offset flap wheel).
A-ERSE WB A PL65Cotton35, Xwt R ERSE is used for removing scratches on a stainless steel sheet at the coil-grinding line for as wet-grinding(in oil). The grinding surface is mild.
A-ERSEB WB A Cloth, Xwt R The backing substrate of ERSEB is stronger than that of ERSE.
A-ERSK R A Cloth, Jwt R ERSK is suitable for flap wheels due to its flexibility.
A-EWS B A PL65Cotton35, Xwt WP Particularly for heavy grinding on wet-grinding condition for metals. It also used for carrier belt.
A-EWSW B A PL65Cotton35, Xwt WP Long life type for wet grinding and polishing extra water proof. For grinding PC boards and press plates.
WA-ERJ R, B WA Cotton, Xwt R Flexible grinding cloth using white alumina grit. ERJ is suitable for wood sanding and metal light grinding.
C-CRS R, B C Cloth, Xwt R CRS consists of silicon carbide abrasives media. It is suitable for grinding and polishing the glass, non-ferrous metals, and finishing such as hair line and satin finish.
C-CRSE B, WB C PL65Cotton35, Xwt R Wide range of multi-purpose applications as resin belts; Ordinary glasses,metals,alloys,non-ferrous metals and wood working. We can supply CRSE as the wide belt.
C-CRSF B C Cloth, Jwt R CRSF is flexible type products using silicon carbide abrasive medias.
Coarse grinding the non-ferrous, curved metals.
C-CRSFE B C Cloth, Jwt R CRSFE is finishing grade of CRSF.
B C Cloth, Xwt R Cork grits, which coated by fine silicon carbide abrasive medias, are bonded to the substrate cloth.
As cork generate the buffer action, these kinds of products shows long life. The grinding surface shows the metalic luster.
B C Cloth, Xwt R Coated cork grits are used.
Removing the scales on Ti alloys and carbon steels.
B C Cloth, Xwt R Extra fine finishing belt.
Felt belt B Non Cloth, Xwt R Felts are bonded to strong substrate. For finish polishing for showing the metalic luster. This product do not include abrasive media. Use this belt with additional abrasive grits like a buff polishing.
Type (Products family): Ssheet, Rroll, Bbelt(>4mm witdth), WBwide belt (<1650mm width)@@
Abrasive grit: Zzirconia(alumina-zirconia), Aalumina, WA=white alumina,
@@@@Csilicon carbide, Ggarnet@@
Substrate: PL=polyester, Awt85 g/m2, Cwt95`140 g/m2, Ewt200 g/m2,
@@@Jwtthin twill, Xwt and YwtThick twill
Adhesive: Gglue, Rresin, WPwarter proofed resin

List of grit size (number) of our coated abrasives

Item Grit
24 30 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 220 240 280 320 400 500 600 700 800 1000
A sheet › › › › › › › › › › › › › › ›
G sheet K2 › › › › › › › › › › › › ›
G sheet M › › › › › › › › › › › › ›
Z-ZRHUZ › › › › › › ›
Z-ZRHE › ›
Z-ZRY91 › › › › › › ›
A-AGJ › › › › › › › › › › ›
A-ERH › › › › › › › › › › › › › › ›
A-ERHE › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › ›
A-ERHF › › ›
A-ERHK › › › › › › ›
A-ERHN › › ›
A-ERHT › › › › › › › › ›
A-ERHX › › › › ›
A-ERSE › › ›
A-ERSEB › ›
A-ERSK › › › › › › › › ›
A-EWS › › › › ›
A-EWSW › › › › › › › › › › ›
WA-ERJ › › › › › › › › › ›
C-CRS › › › › › › › › ›
C-CRSE › › › › › › › ›
C-CRSFE › › › › › › › › › › ›
› › › › › › › › › › ›
› ›
› › › › ›
Felt belt

Please contact us for asking the type (sheet, roll, belt), size, abrasive grit, grit number, price and application of our products.

Nagatsuka Abrasive Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-5-37 Rokumanji-cho, Higashiosaka-city, Osaka, 579-8061, Japan
TEL: +81-729-82-3001
ISO9001:2008 ISO14001:2004
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Nagatsuka Abrasive Mfg. Co., Ltd.